Channel System

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Revision as of 17:08, 2 August 2015 by Halcyon (Talk | contribs) (Channel Commands)

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The Channel System is a replacement for the old @main global dialogue system.

Channel Commands

Join a Channel
 @join <#channel_name>
Password-protected rooms:
 @join <#channel_name> <password>
Create a Channel
 @channel create <#channel_name> <password>
List public channels
 @channel list
Change a channel's color (requires to be owner of said channel)
 @channel setcolor
Sample available colors and display their keys/names
 @channel list colors
Leave a specific channel
 @channel leave <#channel_name>
Bind global chat to a specific channel, making everything you type be redirected to that channel
 @channel bindto <#channel_name>
Unbind your global chat from the current (if any) binded channel
 @channel unbind
Ban a specific character from a channel
 @channel ban <#channel name> <character name>
List all banned characters from a channel
 @channel banlist <#channel name>
Unbans a specific character from a channel
 @channel unban <#channel name> <character name>
Changes a channel's options (for now, channel message delay and announce-when-someone-joins)
 @channel setopt <#channel name> <option name> <option value>

How to speak in a #channel

You can either bind a channel to your global chat (see @channel bindto above) or PM the channel you want to speak to, if you attempt to send a pm to a non-password protected channel that you have not joined, you'll autojoin.