Dokebi Battle Quest

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Dokebi Battle Quest is a dungeon instance situated in Amatsu. Players will get to role play as Momotaro and defeat the Dokebi infestation once and for all.

  • The instance has a 6-12 minute time limit and will automatically close if player leaves for more than 5 minutes.
  • There is a level restriction of 30 ~ 80 for this instance.
  • Player can only attempt the instance 3x per day.

Quest Steps

1. Speak to the Publisher (amatsu 223,236) in northeast Amatsu.

2. You will be transported to the waiting room. If there are multiple people, one random person in the room will be chosen to enter.

3. When the game starts, ~16 Dokebis will spawn, and you will have to kill them within 6 minutes.

4. Afterwards, if you choose the "It was boring." option, and then "Bring it on, foo!" another battle will begin, this time with some much more aggressive Am Muts.

5. If you survive, you can go and collect your prize from the Publisher.

Dokebi Rewards

If only the Dokebis are defeated, one of the following items will be awarded:

Old Broom
Dokebi Egg
Old Blue Box
Old Purple Box
Dokebi Card

Am Mut Rewards

If Dokebis and Am Muts are defeated, one of the following items will be awarded.

Old Card Album
Am Mut Card
Dokebi Horn [1]
Dokebi Wig
Fantastic Wig
Happy Wig
Marvelous Wig
Shiny Wig