War of Emperium

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Revision as of 07:00, 31 March 2013 by Adellie (Talk | contribs) (Removed sections that I won't be adding info to. Also moving woe schedule to server info page.)

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War of Emperium (WoE) is a bi-weekly event held across Rune-Midgard that challenges Guilds to participate in massive battles with one another. War of Emperium uses a Guild vs Guild battle system which activates on constant, pre-selected days. Offensive teams aim to destroy a castle's Emperium, while it is up to the defending guild and its allies to protect the stone at all costs.

You must be in a Guild which has the Guild Approval skill to land any hits on the Emperium or castle guardians. Guild alliances cannot be formed or broken during WoE.

Current WoE Schedule

This is the WoE Schedule and Castle Rotation as of June 2012.
See the Main Website for a live server-time clock.

Normal WoE: Geffen 4, Aldebaran 5, Rachel 1
Wednesday 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 11:00 PM
Restricted Gear: Prontera 4, Geffen 1
Friday 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Sunday Noon - 1:00 PM

Castle Ownership

See also War of Emperium 2.0

  • Flags allow the defending guild to move quickly to the stronghold of their castle.
  • Guardians provide extra offense for the defending guild. They can be summoned by guilds with the skill Guardian Research.
  • Guild Dungeons house various monsters and MVP, some of which can't even be found on regular maps. All members of victorious guilds are able to access the guild dungeon for their castle's particular realm.
  • Treasure Rooms yielding various items are available to the castle's guild master. After each server midnight, 4 or more Treasure Chests will spawn in the treasure room.
  • Economy determines the amount of treasure boxes that appear is based on the castles economy. The variety of items depend on the castle itself.

Special WoE Maps

Non-Trans Castles

Only characters who have not rebirthed may enter non-trans castles. However, not all members of the guild must be non-trans.

Restricted Castles

We understand that getting into the WoE scene can be harder for individuals who are new to the game or server. So, to assist in leveling the playing field, we've added certain restrictions to selected WoE maps, which you can see listed above. Restricted WoE disallows players from using the following items:

  • Special Quest Items (SQI)
  • Certain MVP/Mini-boss cards.
  • Most consumables.
  • Selected higher-tiered items.

Potions for restricted WoE are available outside the castle.

Related Mobs

See also War of Emperium 2.0



When an Emperium breaks, whichever Guild makes the final hit on the Emperium will then gain ownership of the castle. All other guilds will be forcibly ejected, and a global broadcast will be played to announce the new castle ownership. The new Emperium that spawns is is invulnerable to the defending guild and its allies. (Note that this does not include un-guilded/un-allied party members of the defending guild).

The Emperium is also unaffected by most active skills.



